People, I convinced Firefly that talking to trees is possible. Today, she said she heard a female voice calling to her, so she thought it was her mom. Her mom said it wasn't her, so Hotaru was kinda freaked, finally she realized the trees were calling to her. :)
My trees all have names, but some don't have names yet because I'm waiting to name those when I'm older. Currently I have, Ivy, Fawn, Beatrice, Clyde, Henry, Green Day, Molly, Teddy, Clara, Tim, Willow, Mabel, Clarice, Blue, Rosemary, Pastel, Deliah, Tessie, Wilfre, and Hazel. Molly and Teddy are brother and sister, and who knew, they're both pests! Clyde is the scrawny one who has -1 leaves on him, Ivy is our tree house, Hazel holds our birdhouse, Blue is the oldest, and my Dad says he's dying, but I think he's just older than old.
Green Day was my sister's favorite band when I named him, I like Owl City, but I don't think I will ever name a tree that, maybe Midnight or something. Our neighbors have a really pretty tree that I want to name really badly, but it's on their property, so it's not mine.
I really liked the book Ida B because it reminds me of myself. I talk to trees, I daydream a lot, I basically have a really similar personality as her. I started talking to trees before i read the book, and I was really amazed on how Ida B talks to trees too! I really think they should make a movie out of that book, because i would go see it. At first I read the book just for a report, and I didn't like it very much at first, and then as I read on it got way better. (P.S. Ida B has a dog, Rufus and a cat, Lulu!!!)
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