Recently I have been into fashion with my friend Firefly. It just so happens that I'm getting these items for my birthday on Nov 1st. And look at that, it's the 29th, so only 2 more days until my birthday.
This is the giraffe tunic sweatshirt, and it can be worn as a mini dress also! I'm wondering why Japanese so kawaii... oh yeah, it's Japanese! Haha, but you agree that it has a really cute giraffe print, right? It also has a really fuzzy and warm fur-lined hood. :)

This is the second part of my fashion spree on eBay, a purple Asian jacket for fall. Purlpe is one of my favorite colors, and I admire her cowgirl boots, guess I'll have to get some. I think the model here is pretty, but I'm guessing American models are prettier, and a lot of them are actually famous, I'd never want to be famous, that would be a last on my list, in fact it probably wouldn't even be on my list, you get hawked too much. I guess it would be fun to be a model though, you'd get to try on all these clothes from around the world+Japan! Oh my gosh, a friend has recently told me that it's going to be Harou~īn in Amerika! I'm in Amerika for Harou~īn this year, so I guess I get to celebrate it with some of my friends, Firefly and Hotaru, I guess Chou too. i'm being the all-in-one famous Japanese character Rilakkuma! he's very kawaii, and my Otōsan keeps teeling me to finish it up, because I'm making it, but I keep telling him, I'll get there when I get there, and if I don't get finished, it will be my loss, not yours. Beatrice and Ivy tell me to say "hi" to everyone on here for them! (they're the vocal ones)
さようなら (Sayōnara)
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