There's this little thing inside of you that tells you to dream, and if you listen to it, it'll make you bigger, better, and stronger. DREAM ON!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
What? Why aren't my posts colored?AHHH!
T.T Amphigory
Winter Tea by raincookie
Emotional Rollercoaster
2nd panel: “everything is hopeless! fail, fail, fail…! we’re all gonna die!!!
3rd panel: “IT’S GONNA BE OKAY!!! LET’S DO THIS!”
4th panel: “where am i going????!!”
in case you couldn’t read.
yep this is my life, only in illoustration
im sure lots of people can relate to this
My life blog
Oh weird I didn't think of that before. And happy Summer 2011! Stay away from mosquitoes! Rairakkumun is back this summer, new posts, new news, more fun! Lovely, friends, kawaii, fun, life!
Today folkies, I’m on a journey to become an artist! Yippee~ ♥
Ummmm.. Today is haircut day. I got a cute purple hairclip today and I like it. Yeah~ ♡ <— * highlight there* gaipai gaipai
so lets see. yesterday we skyped u-vin! i talked to someone about skyping and they didn’t know what it was and then they said, oh, actually its called skype. DUH @.@ they thought i was stupid. hurumph.
this is carina. she like the alice drawing yay~
oh so now i guess i am free to do what i please. since now i have no love~ happy me. yesterday i had sung a song for my friends lin and sophie. they liked it even though it was sad. i watched heartstrings and WOW O.O his confession! eek.
a few days ago guy told me that my obsession for bunnies was unhealthy. i don’t believe. no, i’ll be who i want to.
yeah lovely ◕ ◡ ◕
i think i should maybe clean out some of my old posts maybe? its getting pretty full. wait no, i want to have lots on my archive, so then i will be active a lot. i’m going to make this post long since i am happy today.
yes mylittlepony
i read books and they were good. there was a movie too.
this is the first one and the second one *where is it..*
and i read this
ya goody
i’ve been working on poems for no reason at all! maybe since i am bored
Sometimes, sometimes,
you can’t wrap a single day
up into a neat little poem.
Or even a neat piece of writing at all.
Sometimes all you can do is
look at how this has happened,
how quickly something happens.
So suddenly.
Some days, you can’t organize your
thoughts in that whirling head of yours.
Or stem the emotions that threaten
to tremble your lips,
shake your hands,
make liquid ooze out of your eyes.
Some days, your day is just
a Fool’s Day.
You can’t stand it, you can’t
make the pain stop or go away.
And sooner, sooner
rather than later, you become numb.
So sometimes, sometimes you can’t
organize anything in the day.
In the face of something so undeniably
Sometimes, the day just ends.
And weeks from those days,
you’ll find that you’re going to be okay.
But you’ll always remember.
Remember those days
those days
that just
We could learn a lot from a box of crayons:some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors… but they have all learned to live in the same box.
still gaipai
this is a mutant bunny. i think it’s still cute ya ya ya
okay bye now. later i will post comics